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    Comprehensive Inventory Management

    Cleaner and Faster

    • A robust user interface designed for seamless inventory management
    • Manage a complex environment of multiple warehouses
    • Complete traceability from the supplier to the customer with double entry inventory management

    Cleaner and Faster

    • A robust user interface designed for seamless inventory management
    • Manage a complex environment of multiple warehouses
    • Complete traceability from the supplier to the customer with double entry inventory management

    The Basics

    • Adjust an inventory according to a zone, a specific product, a lot or a pallet/box
    • Use hierarchical locations to structure your warehouse: zones, rows, shelves, etc.
    • Pack or scrap products with just a few clicks
    • Control and compare all incoming products; crosscheck what was originally ordered from the supplier

    Increase Productivity

    • Use barcode scanners for tracking every inventory operation – inventories, incoming shipments, packing orders, etc.
    • Dedicated customer portal for providing real time order updates to customers
    • Search documents to process easily. Just scan a barcode or filter based on any criteria: customer, product, etc.

    Increase Productivity

    • Use barcode scanners for tracking every inventory operation – inventories, incoming shipments, packing orders, etc.
    • Dedicated customer portal for providing real time order updates to customers
    • Search documents to process easily. Just scan a barcode or filter based on any criteria: customer, product, etc.


    • Check the activity log of all operations attached to every document, right from pick-up to quality control
    • Track manufacturer’s batches with the help of barcode or serial numbers
    • Maintain an accurate balance sheet by getting your inventory valuation posted into your accounting software


    • Obtain a proposition of purchase orders based on your future stock forecast
    • Trigger a automatic request for quotations for negotiating price with suppliers


    • Obtain a proposition of purchase orders based on your future stock forecast
    • Trigger a automatic request for quotations for negotiating price with suppliers

    Advanced Reporting

    • Use predefined dashboards or build your own as per the requirement
    • Get forecasts of product availabilities based on different parameters like –
      • Confirmed sales orders
      • Purchase orders
      • Manufacturing orders
      • Internal moves

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